Flower Delivery Service in Kuala Lumpur & Selangor
520 D Love Florist is the leading florist shop in Kuala Lumpur (KL), Malaysia. We supply flower for many different occasions such as Anniversary, Happy Birthday, Friendship, Graduation, Convocation, Grand Opening, Wedding, Proposal, New-born Baby, Congratulation Event, Condolences Event, etc. If you require any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

一束鲜花牵手心爱的她送出的不只是礼物, 而是一份感动, 更是情意
520 D Love Florist, 是一家位于马来西亚吉隆坡的创新花店. 作为吉隆坡的花卉零售商之一, 我们的花卉设计灵感来自于顾客送花的想法, 按照顧客想要表達的情意設計出合適的花束, 為顾客只带来一份难忘的礼物.
520 D Love Florist 贴心的服务, 热情并全心全意的用花語为每一位顾客带来幸福和微笑. 我们将不断地探索, 为顾客带来创意, 温馨和清新的花束设计.
如果您对我们的产品有兴趣, 欢迎致电于我们获取更多详情. 我们非常乐意为您服务.
The Meaning of Each Number of Roses
One: Love at first sight or never ending love.
Five: I love you.
Nine: Eternal love.
Thirteen: A symbol of eternal friendship.
Twenty-one: Devotion & dedication.
Forty-one: Express sincere love & care.
Two: Expressing your love & care as a couple.
Six: Symbol of an endless passion & confessing that it this is the first love.
Ten: The perfect number for a perfect love.
Fifteen: Just the perfect number to say “I am sorry” & show your regret.
Twenty-four: Declaration of eternal love.
Fifty or more: They show a love without barriers that would fight against anything to prevail. They are the perfect option for a wedding anniversary.
Three: Means the happiness of sharing your life with someone. They are the perfect option for a first anniversary.
Eight: Gratefulness for love & support.
Twelve: The Proposal Dozen, with them you may ask: “Would you be mine?” or “Would you marry me?”.
Twenty: If you are trying to prove that your intentions are good, send them 20 roses.
Twenty-five: Exceptional love.
One hundred: The complete devotion to your lover, a love that will last until eternity.
1 朵玫瑰代表 - 我的心中只有你!
4 朵玫瑰代表 - 山盟海誓, 至死不渝!
7 朵玫瑰代表 - 我偷偷地爱著你!
10 朵玫瑰代表 - 十全十美 无懈可击, 完美的愛情!
13 朵玫瑰代表 - 友谊长存!
16 朵玫瑰代表 - 最深的爱情!
19 朵玫瑰代表 - 忍耐与期待!
22 朵玫瑰代表 - 祝你好运!
36 朵玫瑰代表 - 浪漫, 我心屬於你!
50 朵玫瑰代表 - 邂逅不期而遇!
108 朵玫瑰代表 嫁給我吧!
2 朵玫瑰代表 - 这世界只有我俩!
5 朵玫瑰代表 - 由衷欣赏!
8 朵玫瑰代表 - 感谢你的关怀扶持及鼓励!
11 朵玫瑰代表 - 一心一意!
14 朵玫瑰代表 - 骄傲的愛!
17 朵玫瑰代表 - 绝望无可挽回的爱!
20 朵玫瑰代表 - 我仅一颗赤诚的心!
25 朵玫瑰代表 - 祝你幸福!
38 朵玫瑰代表 3個詞八個字 I LOVE YOU!
99 朵玫瑰代表 - 天长地久 永远!
999 朵玫瑰代表 天長地久!
3 朵玫瑰代表 - 我爱你 I LOVE YOU!
6 朵玫瑰代表 - 互敬 互爱 互谅!
9 朵玫瑰代表 - 长久 永远!
12 朵玫瑰代表 - 对你的爱与日俱增!
15 朵玫瑰代表 - 对你感到歉意 "对不起"!
18 朵玫瑰代表 - 真诚与坦白!
21 朵玫瑰代表 - 你是我的最愛!
30 朵玫瑰代表 - 不需言語的愛, 信是有缘!
40 朵玫瑰代表 - 誓死不渝的爱情!
100 朵玫瑰代表 - 百分之百的爱!
What Our Customers Say
"Love their flowers arrangements, price are reasonable & are very helpful in giving ideas & opinions."
- Kenix Wong -
"价钱很公道. 最重要的是花插的真的很漂亮, 又大体. 超级推荐"
- May Ting -
Get In Touch
| Address
Block D, 48LG, Jalan 2/101C, Cheras Business Center, Batu 5, Jalan Cheras, 56100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
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+6016-772 0666
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